Thursday 2 February 2023

Eternal Glory to the Immortal German Heroes of Stalingrad!

Franz Einhorst - Gedenken an Stalingrad (1943)

Commemoration of Stalingrad (1943)


1.      Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring talks about the 300 Spartans.

2.      Fragments from the last speech of the Führer on 30-th January 1945

Reichsminister Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath (02.02.1873 – 14.08.1956)

Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath

(02.02.1873 – 14.08.1956)


– Information:,_Konstantin_von

Today is the 130-th birthday of Reichsminister Rudolf Hess (26.04.1894 – 17.08.1987)

Rudolf Hess (26.04.1894 – 17.08.1987)   – Information: http://de.met...